Malian army officers warn local population may still be loyal to Islamist fighters taking refuge in surrounding forests
French and Malian troops have entered the contested town of Diabaly in the west of the country after the retreat of Islamist fighters. About 30 tanks and armoured vehicles carrying 200 soldiers entered the town without resistance, French media reported.
Locals, some of whom came out of their homes to welcome the French and Malian forces, said the jihadists had fled Diabaly after French warplanes bombarded their positions last Thursday.
However, Malian army officers warned that some of the population remained loyal to the Islamist fighters, some of whom were said to have taken refuge in forests around the town to wait for reinforcements.
One Malian officer said the French and Malian troops had been advised to remain on high alert over the next few hours.
Diabaly, about 250 miles north of the Malian capital, Bamako, was occupied by the jihadists a week ago. Diabaly and the strategic towns of Niono and Sévaré, which has an airport, are reported to be in the hands of the French-Malian forces.
The aim of France's military intervention in the west African state of Mali is to reclaim the country from Islamic fundamentalists, Paris has said.
The French defence minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said the objective was to "totally reconquer" Mali. "We're not going to leave any pockets (of resistance)," he told France 5 state television, as the French Operation Serval entered its 11th day.
Le Drian said French forces had four orders. "The first is to stop the progression of terrorist groups," he said, either by air strikes or ground forces. This mission, he said, was "unfolding agreeably".
The second mission consists of "French air forces hitting the terrorist base" in the region of Gao and Timbuktu, to prevent the Islamic extremists from regrouping and resupplying.
Thirdly, he said, France wanted to guarantee security in Bamako, including institutions, the (local) population and French citizens. The final goal is to "help the Malian forces to organise a structure and enable Misma (the west African intervention force) to work together "to reach the total reconquering of Mali".
"The French forces have these four missions to fulfil at the same time and I must say that at the moment they are doing well," the minister added.
France has mobilised 2,300 troops for Operation Serval, named after a small African wildcat. Of these, 1,800 soldiers are already in country fighting alongside the under-equipped Malian forces.
France has called on other west African countries to "pick up the baton" and send troops to the region. So far, 250 soldiers from Nigeria and Togo have joined the Franco-Malian forces.
The north of Mali has been controlled by three groups of Islamic fundamentalists who have imposed sharia law since April 2012.
On Monday, French and Malian forces were said to be "progressing towards the north", and the Islamists' strongholds.