As the House of Commons vote to allow same sex marriage in England and Wales, here's a selection of stories and teaching resources to explore the issues in class
The same sex marriage bill has divided the Conservative party, if not the whole country, but the House of Commons has now voted to allow gay marriage in England and Wales by 266 votes to 161 (with more than half of Tory MPs voting against it). The plans will now go to the House of Lords for further consideration and if passed by both Houses, the bill will become law.
We have rounded up the best news stories, multimedia, stats, teaching resources and websites to help you discuss the issues of same sex marriage in the UK and across the world – and by extension homophobia and homophobic bullying – in tutor time, your debate club, the citizenship classroom and beyond.
From the Guardian
Right-wing Tory rebels call on peers to reject gay marriage bill
After more than half the Conservative party voted against the same sex marriage bill, opponents of the bill say peers have every right to oppose it because it was not in coalition agreement or any party manifesto.
Gay marriage bill may lead to 'lesbian queen and artificially inseminated heir'
The now infamous quotes on lesbian queens, artificial insemination and fathers marrying their sons are a must-read for sixth formers investigating this topic (but beware the swear words in Tebbit's warnings for younger students). The comments in response to the article also make interesting reading.
MPs debate gay marriage bill as it happened – live blog
What happened when, who said/tweeted what on Monday 20 May? Here's the whole story.
Gay marriage bill – data blog
Find out how your MP voted on the same sex marriage bill. How does the voting divide by party and gender? Interesting stats to play around with.
Gay marriage bill would be a 'major step forward' – video
The equalities minister Helen Grant talks about how the gay marriage bill is a major step forward for justice and equality and Tory MP Tim Loughton calls for a bill to allow heterosexual couples to get civil partnerships as well as their gay counterparts.
France's first same sex marriage fair opens its doors – video
A same sex wedding fair opens in Paris, four days after France legalises gay marriage in April this year. François Hollande was criticised for not consulting enough on the bill and many French took to the streets in protest as seen in this photo gallery.
New Zealand parliament breaks into song after legalising gay marriage – video
New Zealand becomes the first country in the Asia Pacific (the 13th in the world) to legalise same sex marriage and here the public gallery breaks into song in a truly heartwarming moment.
Divorce rates – data blog
Not wanting to pour any hot water on the joy of marriage, but how have divorce rates changed from 1858 to now? Get the charts, graphs and stats here.
On the Guardian Teacher Network
Guide to challenging homophobic language
Stonewall's educational guide to challenging homophobic language provides information and advice for primary and secondary school staff.
First steps – the gay thing
Download this leaflet on why teachers should bother integrating lesbian, gay and bisexual issues into their lessons.
Starting a gay straight alliance in your school
A guide for young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual. Also see this associated PowerPoint.
Children are never too young to know homophobic bullying is wrong
Powerful blog by primary deputy head Shaun Dellenty on how teaching gay issues to primary school pupils is not about sex, it's about acceptance.
Best of the web
The same sex marriage bill
Chart the official progress of the same sex marriage bill as it goes from first reading to, eventually, royal assent. Interesting for students to find out how and when a bill becomes a law.
BBC Q&A on gay marriage
Very clear explanation of the gay marriage bill, how it differs from civil partnership and how it relates to religious organisations.
Coalition for marriage
Anti-gay marriage campaigning group who want marriage to be the union between a man and a woman. Including a booklet outlining the impact of redefining marriage in primary schools according the Coalition for marriage here. Good material for debate clubs.
Inclusion for all
Primary school deputy head Shaun Dellenty works tirelessly to help schools tackle homophobic language and bullying and has created Inclusion for all to take his expertise into schools all over the world. Do have a read and get in touch with Shaun about inset.
Educate and celebrate
Find out more about how to make your school LGBT friendly under the education and celebrate program devised by Elly Barnes - and recognised by Ofsted as a best practice program for tackling homophobic bullying in your school - lots of great ideas and resources here.
Schools out
Organisation providing a formal and informal support network for all people who want to raise the issue of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and heterosexism in education. Plus great resources in the classroom.
Stonewall education for all
Info, resources, teacher training, advice as part of Stonewall's campaign to prevent homophobic bullying in schools and colleges.